March Newsletter
Thursday, March 29th, 2018

The show must go on! Kristen was sick as a dog while we were in Nebraska. She took a colleague’s advice and tried a shot of cinnamon vodka to see if it would help clear her sinuses. She enjoyed the shot but it didn’t do much for her sinuses.
Kristen and I had another great month! In the last few weeks, we went to Nebraska and Delaware to educate really sharp, dedicated, pest management professionals. In Nebraska, we discussed 25b pesticides, the IPM of water and “things that make you itch.” The PMPs in Delaware learned a lot about wood destroying beetles and borates. I was having such a good time with vibrant DE audience, I probably could have gone on for another hour at least! We have more CEUs coming up on the schedule. Our next CEU appearance, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, will be a 3-hour class about wasps and bees.
Our newest adventure was an interview with Franklin Hernandez, the author and host of PestGeek Podcast. His podcast airs every weekday and hosts a wide variety of guests. One of his favorite topics lately is minimum risk pesticides, also known as 25b pesticides. This is a topic that is very familiar to us, both as scientists and as regulatory consultants.
Frank and I had a lot of fun discussing our kindred experiences with ornamental pest control, but the goal of the episode was to discuss how 25b pesticides federal and state level regulations impact PMPs and 25b pesticide manufacturers.
Listen to our debut podcast below!
Contact us if you need assistance registering your 25b pesticides!